The Twelve parquet, ideal for underfloor heating
Underfloor heating provides that extra comfort in your home. It is also much more energy-efficient and space-saving. All advantages that you shouldn’t give up because of your choice of floor. With a The Twelve parquet, you don’t have to.
Huh, parquet and underfloor heating?
No, you’re not reading it wrong. Our parquet floors can tolerate temperatures of up to 27°C. The Twelve is made up of 3 layers, with the top robust layer, the top layer, being 3 mm thick. These different layers ensure that your parquet does not expand or shrink at all due to humidity or temperature differences. That is why we dare to give a 20 year guarantee.
And because it is not a solid parquet, The Twelve conducts heat better and becomes warm quicker in your home. Your bare feet will thank you. And, euh, you don’t have underfloor heating? No worries, because parquet does not need underfloor heating to look warm and cosy.
For personal advice, we advise you to ask one of our dealers.