Just as with any wooden floor, The Twelve is susceptible to scratches or dents. However, this aged aspect gives it an authentic appearance. Nevertheless, if you would prefer to avoid this, then there are plenty of solutions available. Keep your parquet clean, use a doormat when you come inside, place pads under furniture feet, put a protective mat under chairs with wheels. To freshen up your floor a little, we recommend using ‘The Twelve Maintenance Oil’ in concentrated form.
If your floor loses its lustre over time and you want to freshen it up a little, we recommend using ‘The Twelve Maintenance Oil’ in concentrated form. This will help you retain the soft shine for longer, if you that is what you want. Even if you have underfloor heating, you can apply this product twice to wood to give it sufficient nourishment.
For daily maintenance and long-term protection of your oiled parquet, it’s best to use a soft broom or vacuum cleaner, and then clean it using ‘The Twelve parquet soap’. To really freshen up parquet that has lost its lustre and bring back its shine, use ‘The Twelve Maintenance Oil’ in concentrated form.
For daily maintenance and long-term protection of your oiled parquet, follow these steps:
- Use a soft sweeping brush or the hoover
- Clean with The Twelve Parquet Soap – based on natural waxes and oils. Cleans, nourishes and protects.